One of the most successful family movie franchise, “Alvin and the Chipmunks” presents a new road to chip in the latest kiddie and family adventure movie “Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Road Chip” bringing in a mix of the new and classic Chipmunks’ mischievous humor and heartwarming moments that fans adore about the franchise.
In the latest movie, “Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Road Chip,” Dave’s (Jason Lee) career as a musical artist manager has taken off, thanks to the Chipmunks. He also has an exciting new client – a rising young pop star, named Ashley, played by actress/singer/author/model Bella Thorne (“My Own Worst Enemy,” “Shake It Up”). Despite her popularity, Ashley has remained “sweet and down to earth,” says Thorne. For example, she notes, “When we meet Ashley, she’s being stormed by paparazzi, but she makes sure that the ‘Munks aren’t trampled.” Ashley also provides emotional and musical support to the ‘Munks when they reunite with Dave in Florida.