"'Di Sila Tatanda" is directed by Malay Javier and Kean Cipriano, Ketchup Eusebio, Mara Lopez, and Dawn Jimenez. It is among the 10 full-length digital movie entries to the 2014 Cinema One Originals Festival which runs from November 9 to 18 at Glorietta 4, Trinoma, Fairview Terraces and Greenhills Dolby Atmos.
A group of friends from a generation obsessed with U.F.O. sightings go on a road trip to indulge their longtime childhood obsession and resolve strained relationships amongst them. As they reach one of the gang's hometown, they obliviously encounter an indigo child who will test the best of their relationships.
Screening Schedule:
Nov. 12 (Wednesday)
6:30PM at (C1) Trinoma - PREMIERE NIGHT
9:30PM at (C1) Glorietta 4 -SECOND GALA
Nov. 13 (Thursday)
12:30PM at (C1) Trinoma
5PM at (C1) Fairview Terraces
Nov. 14 (Friday)
10PM at (C6) Greenhills Dolby Atmos
Nov. 15 (Saturday)
7:10PM at (C1) Glorietta 4
Nov. 16 (Sunday)
10PM at (C6) Greenhills Dolby Atmos
Nov. 17 (Monday)
12:30PM at (C1) Fairview Terraces
Nov. 18 (Tuesday)
5PM at (C1) Fairview Terraces
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Photo: Facebook (Cinema One Originals)
Video: YouTube (Malay Javier)
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