We can’t stop laughing everytime Melisa is on cam. She’s effortlessly funny especially when her housemates made her do a banana commercial over breakfast.
The housemates were also asked to donate things for the typhoon victims from the things that they brought inside the house. One of the things Melisa donated: underarm whitening cream.
Meanwhile, Yuri has this lovely persona and Carol reminds us of Bea from PBB 2. Princess is also so cool with the boys. They’re more relaxed in House A while House B is beaming with laughter. Thanks to Melisa for that.
JP told Big Brother how JM had several failures in life and he doesn’t want to be the reason of his twin’s next failure. But he has to provide for his family and he doesn’t want to lose his job especially that his wife is giving birth soon.
JP doesn’t want to fail his twin JM but he thinks that it’s now JM’s turn to give him the favor.
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