Mika suddenly became happy and found new hope with the merge. “Being stuck in an island with someone you don’t really like, suck,” were her own words describing her life in the Airai camp with Tara. Now she’s reunited with three of her original tribemates Jef, Amanda, and Shaun.
Each castaways were given a tally sheet they will use in judging the two shelters. Echo instantly liked Justine’s with the fireplace in the middle of the shelter, while Mika liked Cris’s elevated floors.
The castaways will grade the shelters based on these criteria:
1. sturdy foundation
2. waterproofing
3. good floor plan
4. comfort
5. design
They will give each criteria a score of 1-10. 1 being the lowest and 10, the highest.
Before telling the 9 castaways about who made the shelters, Paolo first let them watch footages of Snake Island to let them know where the voted off castaways initially go. They were really surprised to know that Justine beat all the other cast offs. Then Paolo explained what challenge Justine and Cris had to compete on – the shelters.
In the end, Justine’s shelter got 322 and Cris’s got 181. When Justine’s name was called, the original Koror members were screaming with delight while the others were smiling but obviously disappointed that it wasn’t Cris who won.
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