Monday, October 3, 2011

Sen. Enrile Says Masturbation is Abortion

"And the question that bothers me is… is the sperm alive? Is the ovum of the woman alive? I have consulted doctors and the answer is yes."

Those words were delivered by Senator Juan Ponce Enrile during the recent RH Bill plenary debate where he labeled the act of masturbation as a form of abortion. Having come from a family of Roman Catholics has made him believe that masturbation is a form of interference with the production of life.

He further says, "The sperm of a man cannot fertilize any egg, not the egg of a whale, or a lizard, or a bird, or a fish, but only the egg of a woman. And neither can the egg of a woman be fertilized by any other sperm except the sperm of a man, so that these two elements must be together to create life. But each one of them has life. There is no question about that because they have mobility: They move; they develop."

Senator Pia Cayetano, co-author of the RH Bill, answered Enrile with a hypothetical question. Cayetano said, "So, if a man and a woman are sleeping together as husband and wife and a man avails of the withdrawal method and ejaculates outside the vagina of a woman, that is ‘interference’ in the same way a condom would be, because the man and the woman decided not to allow the egg and the sperm to meet, is that his Honor’s position?"

It was answered by Enrile with this: "Well, if the man wants to satisfy himself by manipulating himself alone, if it is only for pleasure, then it interferes with the production of life. That is my belief. That is a matter of faith to me."

Religion really plays a big part in the lives of the Filipinos. Not only did it matter during the Miss Universe 2011 final question and answer, it also matters now in passing the RH Bill.

Just like Enrile's concept of masturbation, religion is becoming an "interference" in making a bill that aims to give Filipinos better life.



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