SP: Palau: No Fail for Koror
Koror had Suzuki and Echo sit out during the Reward Challenge. I really wonder why they chose Jef over either of the two but anyway, Koror won again. And the reward this week: pizza and a basket of food they could bring with them back to camp.
Mika was evidently pissed with Tara for performing so poorly during the "put-the-puzzle-pieces-underwater" challenge. But really, Tara wasted precious time during her first turn. Then when all the Airai members already had their turns, and anybody among them could go swim to do the next puzzle piece, Tara went for it. I'm sure she just wanted to make up for her poor first turn, but again, she wasn't able to prove herself worthy.
Koror was so happy with the win. And with that proper boost of food, they have once again the edge to compete for the next Immunity Challenge.
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