The scholars were band practicing when the headmaster summoned them all to the dance hall. The clueless scholars found themselves in front of Tony Hadley singing Gold. Most of them didn't know Tony Hadley but all of them were familiar with the song he was singing. After the number, Mr. C. asked Miguel to sing another of Spandau Ballet's greatest hits, True. But the British singer was most amazed when Bugoy sang his 8th gala piece As by George Michael, even asking Bugoy where he learned to sing like that. Bugoy made everyone laugh by his antics jumping up and down saying he didn't understand what Tony Hadley was saying.
As to the parting words of the British singer to the scholars, he said that the greatest opponent of every performer are nerves, which they should overcome. To wrap it all up, he advised them to just enjoy what they are doing.
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