So Robi, Rona and Jieriel had their "graduation" inside the PBB house... Hmm... Yeah, at least they were able to wear their togas and march, but still, there's nothing compared to the real thing. They even had this speech equivalent to salutatory/valedictory address in a real graduation. One can so notice that only Robi wasn't so emotional. Two factors, actually, can be attributed to that. One, he's male. The male species is basically less emotional than the female species. Two, his family is better off compared to the other two. Those who have less in life experience more hardships, thus, making them more emotional. I am one of them. Huhu.
I like watching Ejay in shorts when he's in the confession room. It was supposed to be a sad moment last night. Darn, my attention was riveted to Ejay's crotch area haha. Lookie here...

I don't know but there's something about him... Yea, he's a probinsyano, alright... But Jieriel and Nan and some others are promdis, too. He's pretty goodlooking but really, he's a little "lame" for me. I don't think he's gonna get my vote.
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