Sunday, March 30, 2008

Pinoy Idol

I'm sure many of us are waiting for Pinoy Idol. I was somehow thankful that it moved from ABC 5 to GMA 7. It will get much more attention in the latter, really. And who better host the show than Raymond Gutierrez? He's one of the few local celebrity hosts who knows what he's doing. Fluent, articulate, pleasant to look at, and not "baduy". Paolo Bediones (accdg to didn't make it as host...

Friday, March 28, 2008

Kapitan Boom!

Jon Avila (formerly Jon Mullaly) of the PBB Celebrity Edition 2 is gonna be Kapitan Boom on the show with the same title. His hunky appeal and Caucasian looks have caught much attention in the local showbiz even before the PBB stint. How can you ignore this pic, anyway?He would be getting his much deserved...

New Dance Steps

There's a new dance for the old theme song of PBB Teen choreographed by Jolas, the tall teen from Bulacan. They are actually "partnered" since there are still 7 boys and 7 girls. I wonder how the dance would be if a boy/girl got evicted. Surely someone will dance without a partner. Anyway, Nan from Davao is so stringy I wonder if they kept him starved back in Davao. On the other hand, I like Josef's...

Robi, The True Blue Atenean

This boy is so clean cut he's too good to be true. He's the type that mothers would like their sons to be, or the type of boy moms would like to have for their daughters. I don't think he has shown something aside from his cute face, though. We've yet to watch out for this young lad.His PBB website...

The Elizalde

Just a mention of the surname will make you interested. No wonder Josef is so mestizo. This housemate will most likely have the most successful showbiz career after their PBB stint. He is so blessed in the genes aspect. Acting talent? We've yet to discover. But then again, showbiz is in his blood. Should...

The Fart Boy

I really think Alex Anselmuccio is just feeling pressured about the circumcision thingie that's why he wants to give it a try - the rest of the guys are cut; Filipino culture; and the show about being a true Filipino. Being uncut is no big deal, just like what the pediatric surgeon who talked to him said in the tv episode a while ago. But if you were a contestant in a reality show that's looking for...

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Goodbye Chikezie

Goodbye Chikezie...Great talent, indeed. But he was the least favorite among the viewers so he had to go. As Paula Abdul put it, there should be no regret whatsoever for whoever leaves because they're already in the top 10 and they have already proved their worth. One just have to be cut off each week....

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Alex Getting Circumcised?

My favorite housemate, Alex, was sent to the confession room with Josef Elizalde (who's also beginning to be my favorite). Big Brother pushed on the issue of Alex being "supot". Oh well, publicity. I'm sure Alex is now more popular than the other housemates for being uncircumcised and he would be talked about more if he decided to get circumcised while still in the show - and for that, more publicity...

AI Top 10 Performance

Ramiele Malubay was the first to sing with her rendition of Heart's Alone. IMO it was good, especially considering that she's sick. She doesn't have the flu, her voice "just went bye-bye". But honestly, I wished her voice cooperated because it's a big song and she could've done better. Only Randy Jackson didn't like it, though. Simon even said that after what Ramiele did last week, which he thought...

The Deaf Girl

Priscilla Navidad is so much fun to watch. She's so natural. It seems that her disability doesn't affect her negatively at all. Quite surprising to know that she even won 1st runner up in the 2007 Miss Teen International pageant. I'm sure the viewers, like me, loves this girl from Davao. I'm personally...

PBB Teen Edition Plus

I decided to have this blog for the love of television - and that of PBB, most especially. I am not gonna write about every single one of the housemates, though, for writing about some of them would be just a waste of time. I'm gonna write about those that just interest me, post pics of them, and make...

Saturday, March 1, 2008

The Screen Caps Story

After the 5th Gala/Eviction Night, Bea was able to go back in the academy for a limited time...Bugoy was hugging Hansen, not BeaBugoy moved at Bea's back, Hansen extended his arms to hug Bugoysunday (july 20, 2008) after the 5th gala night, Liezel said hi to the little dreamersand so did Hansen and...