So now we know what that much talked about change that will alter the entire show is - the Judges Save. The judges will have a chance to save one eliminated contestant, though, just once until the Top 5. Quite thrilling, but that is, until the week following the "save" where two contestants will be eliminated.
Much ado with that, because the judges didn't use the Judges Save this week where two had to go. And we're so sad that one of our favorites was one of them. Jasmine Murray and Jorge Nuñez were eliminated in tonight's show. We love Jasmine but yeah, she's one of the weakest singers among the Top 13. But Jorge Nuñez? I think he's more deserving of the spot than Anoop Desai.
But, oh well, America voted. And after 33 million votes, Jasmine and Jorge had to go.
Kanye West and Kelly Clarkson were the guests in tonight's show. Kanye sang Heartless. He was okay. One blogger called the performance robotic. And yeah it was quite robotic. Kelly, on the other hand, gave a great performance with My Life Would Suck Without You.
Anyway, below are Jasmine Murray and Jorge Nuñez's Top 13 performances:
Jasmine Murray's I'll Be There
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